Traveling to Manado, Heaven in North Indonesia

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Traveling to Manado, Heaven in North Indonesia

Manado is the capital of North Sulawesi Province which, historically, was once referred to as "Wenang" by the local community. Located on the northern tip of the island of Sulawesi, Manado is directly adjacent to the Pacific Ocean, so the city is also very famous for its natural beauty, as well as its diving tours. In Manado itself, there are some very interesting vacation spots, especially for tourists who want to forget a moment of fatigue while in town. Here are some tourist destinations that you can visit when going to Manado.

Minahasa Plateau

Traveling to Manado, Heaven in North Indonesia

The name Minahasa means "to be one entity". This name comes from the war against the Bolaang Mangondow Kingdom. In 670, North Sulawesi never developed any large kingdom. In North Sulawesi leaders from various tribes, all of whom spoke different languages, met a stone known as Watu Pinawetengan. There they established a community of independent states, which would form a unity and remain together and would fight outside enemies if they were attacked. That is the origin of the name Minahasa which means to be a unity.

In the Minahasa highlands, tourists can see local wisdom and the culture of the surrounding community. In Minahasa there are many groups and tribes who can coexist peacefully. These tribes include Tombulu, Tonsea, Tondano, Tontemboan, Tonsawang, Ponosakan, Pasan Ratahan, Babontehu and Bantik. Here visitors can take pictures with beautiful highland landscapes coupled with traditional houses that are still awake, as well as interesting community activities.

Bunaken National Park

Traveling to Manado, Heaven in North Indonesia

Visiting Manado will certainly be very lacking if you have not visited Bunaken National Park. Bunaken National Marine Park is considered one of the top marine parks in the world and the best dive site, located in the Bay of Manado in the middle of the Coral Reef Triangle on Sulawesi Island, Indonesia, which provides habitat for more than 390 species of coral and also many types of fish such as molluscs, reptiles and marine mammal species. Diving here is certainly an obligation, especially to enjoy the underwater beauty that offers heavenly views.

Siladen Island

Traveling to Manado, Heaven in North Indonesia
Siladen Island is located to the right of Bunaken Island and is surrounded by beautiful white sandy beaches full of shells. This place offers charming diving activities for experienced divers and snorkeling. This island is perfect for those of you who want to laze around all day and relax yourself with activities along the coast.

Love Hill

Traveling to Manado, Heaven in North Indonesia
Bukit Kasih is a new tourist attraction in Kanonang Village, Minahasa Regency. This hill is a sulfur hill that is still natural with natural beauty around it. In Bukit Kasih itself there are five places of worship for the five religions that grew in Indonesia. Kasih Hill was built as a monument to religious harmony and the brotherhood of the Indonesian people. To go here, visitors must climb thousands of steps, which at the top there are five places of worship. Natural beauty from the top of the hill also offers the scenic beauty of Minahasa, as well as cool and very clean air that you can enjoy.

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