The Most Popular Tourist Attractions in Lampung Today

4 minute read
Lampung is also an interesting tourist destination that you can visit while on vacation. In addition to having many interesting natural attractions, many new tourist attractions are being built today. With an affordable entrance ticket, you can enjoy many beautiful views. As a reference, here IamIndonesia will discuss the most popular tourist attractions in Lampung today! Let's see what!

House of Strawberry and Lampung Rabbit

The Most Popular Tourist Attractions in Lampung Today

For those of you who are vacationing with family, especially children, you can vacation together at the Lampung Strawberry and Rabbit House. This place is not only good for being a place of recreation but also a means of education for children. Here you can see a stretch of the strawberry garden and other hydroponic vegetables. What's more, the visitors who come are allowed to bring home vegetables from these tourist attractions. For its operating hours, this tourist spot in Lampung is open from 08.00 am to 06.00 pm. Meanwhile, the ticket price itself is only around IDR 10,000.

Pasar 1000 Batoe

The Most Popular Tourist Attractions in Lampung Today

Pasar 1000 Batoe also includes the newest tourist attractions in Lampung that you can visit while on vacation. This place is right in front of the Wan Abdul Rahman Deer Farm, which is not far from the Gita Persada Butterfly Park in Lampung. Pasar 1000 Batoe presents natural scenery in the form of beautiful hills that are okay for taking pictures. The atmosphere in this place also feels fresher with the flow of a small river in that place. If you are hungry, you also don't need to look for a place to eat out because here there is its culinary center that serves a variety of traditional and modern foods at affordable prices. Visitors can come to Pasar 1000 Batoe from 09.00 am to 04.00 pm.

Sakura Kemiling Hill

The Most Popular Tourist Attractions in Lampung Today

You can also see the beauty of Lampung at Sakura Kemiling Hill. Visiting here you will find lots of interesting spots to be used as photo backgrounds. One of the most popular spots here is the hot air balloon. Sakura Kemiling Hill looks even more attractive with the sky bridge in the middle of the park. To enter Sakura Kemiling Hill, you only need to pay an entrance ticket of IDR 10,000. Not infrequently, because of the beauty of the scenery, it is often used as a place for pre-wedding.

Muncak Teropong Laut

The Most Popular Tourist Attractions in Lampung Today

You can see the beauty of the highlands in Lampung at Muncak Teropong Laut (Muncak Sea Binoculars). This tourist spot in Lampung is indeed very popular. In the past, in this place, a lot of young people queued up to take photos of the beautiful views of Lampung Bay. Now that Muncak Teropong Laut (Muncak Sea Binoculars) has been restored, more and more people are queuing up to enter this place. To enter, you only need to pay an entrance ticket of IDR 5,000.

BLT hill

The Most Popular Tourist Attractions in Lampung Today

Another tourist spot in Lampung that is also interesting to be used as a photo backdrop is BLT hill. Slightly different from Muncak Teropong Laut, BLT hill is managed more seriously so that the photo spots here are more diverse. To enter the BLT hill area, you only need to pay an entrance ticket of IDR 5,000. This price does not include the cost of the per spot photo which will be added around IDR 2,000. To get here, it's a bit not easy because you need to go through a tracking route first. However, you can also use a bicycle taxi service to climb to the top at an affordable price.

Pangonan Hill

The Most Popular Tourist Attractions in Lampung Today

Pangonan Hill should also be included in the list of the most popular tourist attractions in Lampung that you can visit while on vacation. In addition to providing various interesting photo spots such as Muncak Teropong Laut and Bukit BLT, Pangonan Hill also has various interesting game rides. Call it some rides such as swimming pools, flying fox, white water rafting, merry-go-round, water balls, and ducks you can find here. Meanwhile, for those of you who want to continue to exist on Instagram, you can take fun photos at several spots such as butterflies, hobbits houses, bamboo boats, bird wings, love bridges, crescent moons, swings, and many others.

Dwi Mendapa Beach

The Most Popular Tourist Attractions in Lampung Today

In addition to the highlands, Lampung is also famous for its beautiful beaches. One of the contemporary tourist attractions in the form of beaches that you can visit is Dwi Mendapa Beach. Visiting here you will be presented with beautiful views of the white sand and clear blue seawater. This tourist spot in Lampung is located in an area of ​​a former mangrove forest and shrimp pond. This is why the scenery at Dwi Mendapa Beach is somewhat different and tends to be unique compared to other beaches. In this place, many wooden bridges connect the small islands in the vicinity. That place is usually used as a place to take pictures for tourists who come here.

That's some information about tourist attractions in Lampung that are interesting for you to visit. Where do you like to visit the most if you go to Lampung?

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