Plan a Tour to Manado City and Its Surroundings, A City Full of Diversity

Plan a Tour to Manado City and Its Surroundings, A City Full of Diversity

Based on the 2020 Tolerant City Index Report, Manado was named one of the 10 most tolerant cities in Indonesia. Manado City has always been known as a city full of diversity. Manado is indeed inhabited by the majority of Protestant Christians, but here adherents of other religions also live in harmony.

As a peaceful city even though the people are diverse, Manado City is the best reference for traveling as well as learning about tolerance.

Travel and Learn Tolerance in Manado and Surrounding Areas

In the city of Manado and its surroundings, there are several places for religious tourism as well as learning about harmony and tolerance. These places are a symbol of how peaceful the life of the people of North Sulawesi is.

Bukit Kasih Kanonang (Kanonang Love Hill)

Plan a Tour to Manado City and Its Surroundings, A City Full of Diversity

Bukit Kasih Kanonang (Kanonang Love Hill) is a sulfur hill that is a symbol of religious harmony in North Sulawesi. The location is not in Manado City, but in Kanonang Village, West Kawangkoan, Minahasa. In 2002 Bukit Kasih Kanonang (Kanonang Love Hill) was made a spiritual place to meditate and gather while praying according to their respective beliefs. Since then this place has become a symbol of harmony.

The Kanonang Hill area is still very beautiful and the air is quite cold. On this hill, there are several places of worship such as Catholic churches, Protestant churches, temples, and mosques.

In addition to the symbol of harmony, Bukit Kasih Kanonang (Kanonang Love Hill) is also believed to be the place of origin of the ancestors of the Minahasa, Mumimut, and Toar people. This is evidenced by the large face carvings on the walls of the hill.

Jesus Blessing Monument

Plan a Tour to Manado City and Its Surroundings, A City Full of Diversity

The Jesus Blessing Monument is a tourist attraction that has become an icon of the city of Manado. This statue is predicted to be similar to the Cristo Redentor statue, the Statue of Jesus found in Brazil. Located on the Trans Sulawesi Ring Road, Manado, the Jesus Blessing Monument has a slope of 35 degrees so it looks like it's floating.

Even though it is in the form of Jesus, this statue is not only dedicated to certain people but is a symbol of harmony for all people in Manado.

Tujuh Kaki Dian (Seven Lampstands)

Plan a Tour to Manado City and Its Surroundings, A City Full of Diversity

Seven Foot Dian is a religious tourism object around the city of Manado, precisely at the foot of Mount Klabat. The Kaki Dian tower is about 19 meters high, has 7 branches, and has a lamp at each end. The location itself is at 620 masl. To get here you need about 20 minutes drive from downtown Manado.

Bukit Doa Mahawu (Mahawu Prayer Hill)

Plan a Tour to Manado City and Its Surroundings, A City Full of Diversity

Bukit Doa Mahawu (Mahawu Prayer Hill) is located in Tomohon, North Sulawesi. This hill has an area of 132 hectares. The location is right at the foot of Mount Mahawu so the air is very cool and nature is still beautiful.

Before and after Easter, Bukit Doa Mahawu (Mahawu Prayer Hill) is usually crowded with tourists. Although this place is dominated by very prominent Christian ornaments, followers of other religions are also allowed to visit this place.

Buddhayana Monastery and Ekayana Pagoda

Plan a Tour to Manado City and Its Surroundings, A City Full of Diversity

Buddhayana Vihara and Ekayana Pagoda are located in Tomohon, North Sulawesi. Although its main function is as a place of worship for Buddhists, this place is also open to the general public.

Not without reason, this place is so beautiful that many people are curious and want to visit here. When we set foot at the main gate, we are immediately greeted by a line of statues of Lohan and Arthas that tell the 18 ways of Buddha. The scenery around the monastery is also very beautiful plus there is the Ekayana Pagoda, a pagoda building that is rarely found in Indonesia.

Those are some religious tourist attractions in Manado City and its surroundings that can be a list of tourist destinations after the pandemic is over.


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