Tourist Attractions in Madiun that are worthy of your visit

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Tourist Attractions in Madiun that are worthy of your visit

Madiun is not very well known as a tourist destination, but actually, Madiun has many interesting places to visit. There are many Madiun tourist attractions that you can explore when you stop here. Curious what the place is? Check here!

Sekar Arum Playground

Tourist Attractions in Madiun that are worthy of your visit

The Sekar Arum Playground is an educational tourist attraction in Madiun so it is suitable for families to visit. This place provides a lot of educational children's play. There are also fun games such as rafting, hanging slide, etc. The Sekar Arum Playground is located in Kare Village, Kare, Madiun City.

Umbul Tourism Recreation Park

Tourist Attractions in Madiun that are worthy of your visit

Umbul Tourism Recreation Park is a bit different from other playgrounds because this park has been around since the Dutch colonial period! The park has a mini zoo and several animal collections. The famous Madiun tourist destination here is a hot spring that contains sulfur. In addition, the location is also very beautiful because it is between two ravines that coincide with each other.

Nongko Ijo Pine Forest

Tourist Attractions in Madiun that are worthy of your visit

The Nongko Ijo Pine Forest is located in Kare District, Madiun City. The location itself is located at the foot of Mount Wilis. In this area there used to be a lot of green jackfruit trees, that's why this place is called Nongko Ijo Pine Forest which means green jackfruit pine tree. In addition to the soothing view of the pine trees, here you can also enjoy the beauty of two springs that lead to a place called Tempuran.

Nglambangan Site

Tourist Attractions in Madiun that are worthy of your visit

Well, if the tourist attractions in Madiun, East Java, this one is a trace of historical heritage that is very old. The Nglambangan site is a heritage site of the Majapahit Kingdom. Here there are many collections of ancient objects such as artifacts, barns, watudakon, to the lembangsari temple. Besides being a tourist destination, this place is also often used as a place for traditional ceremonies every 1 Suro night!

Krecekan Denu Waterfall

Tourist Attractions in Madiun that are worthy of your visit

Krecekan Denu Waterfall is arguably a fairly new tourist attraction in Madiun. The location itself is in Kepell Village, Madiun. To get here you have to spend extra energy because the terrain is quite difficult to pass. Although initially tiring, the beauty of Krecekan Denu Waterfall will relieve all your fatigue, especially after playing with its refreshing water.

There are many cool tourist attractions in Indonesia, including Madiun City. Before planning a Madiun tour, don't forget to prepare all your needs from train or plane tickets and where to stay.

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