List of Beaches in Malang that Have Amazing Views

3 minute read
Malang is indeed famous for its various playgrounds, but it turns out that Malang City also has many beautiful beaches. The following is a list of beaches in Malang that you really must visit.

3 Colors Beach

List of Beaches in Malang that Have Amazing Views

3 Colors Beach is located on Street Sendang Biru, Sawah Area, Tambakrejo, Sumbermanjing, Malang. This beach is quite famous so it is often crowded with tourists. The main reason why this beach attracts many tourists is of course because of its stunning panorama. In addition, 3 Colors Beach is also very suitable as a place for snorkeling. There is a snorkeling equipment rental here, you only need to pay IDR 15.000

Balekambang Beach

Balekembang Beach is located in Jambe Hamlet, Sriginco Village, Batur, Malang. Not inferior to 3 Colors Beach, Balekambang Beach is also quite famous in Malang. Although no less beautiful than other beaches in Malang, Balekambang Beach is considered to have a unique charm. This beach is even referred to as the twin of Bali's Tanah Lot Beach. That's why this beach is often used as a beach recommendation in Malang which has an amazing charm.

Goa China Beach

List of Beaches in Malang that Have Amazing Views

The beach, which has a unique name, is located in Tumpak Awu Hamlet, Sitiarjo, Sumbermanjing Wetan, Malang. Named Goa Cina Beach because here there is a cave. The cave is not too big, only measuring 2 meters with a depth of 8 meters, but this cave is the main attraction. Before changing its name to Goa Cina Beach, this beach was formerly called Rowo Indah Beach.

Licin Beach

List of Beaches in Malang that Have Amazing Views

Want to try a beach with more challenging terrain? Cobain came to one of the lists of beaches in Malang, namely Licin Beach. The location is in Licin Hamlet, Lebakharjo, Ampelgading, Malang. To reach this beach, you must be in top condition because the terrain is quite heavy.

An interesting fact about Licin Beach is the change in the color of the sand. In the past, the sand on this beach was pure white, but now the sand is black, how come? So when Mount Semeru erupted in the 1960s, the beach sand turned black because it was exposed to volcanic ash.

Jonggring Saloko Beach

List of Beaches in Malang that Have Amazing Views

This one beach is also practically difficult to reach because the access is far from the highway. Jonggring Saloko Beach is located in Mentaraman Village, Donomulyo, Malang. The location is quite remote and far from the highway so it is only natural that this beach is deserted to tourists. However, because it is still relatively quiet, Jonggring Saloko beach is very clean. For those of you who want to enjoy a quiet atmosphere and a soothing beach breeze, this beach resort in Malang you must visit.

Lenggoksono Beach

List of Beaches in Malang that Have Amazing Views

Another good beach in Malang is Lenggoksono Beach. The location is in Lenggoksono, Purwodadi, Tirtoyudo, Malang. Besides having a beautiful charm like other beaches in Malang, this beach has another attraction, namely, the beach area is very suitable for surfing. The beach waves here are big enough to make them suitable for surfing. However, because the waves are big, visitors are also prohibited from swimming too far from the shoreline.

That's the list of beaches in Malang that have amazing views. When visiting Malang, don't forget to look for a place to stay that is located close to your destination beach.


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